Browser extension & bookmarklet

Yes! Add items even faster to your list(s) using the Add to Giftster browser extension or button. 

Add to Giftster Browser Extension

Using Chrome? Add the Giftster browser extension to add items, including product images, on the fly while browsing your favorite websites, without having to paste and Fetch.

If you use  Safari, Firefox or Internet Explorer/Edge browsers, we recommend you take advantage of our powerful "Fetch" feature on the add item page of Giftster. Shop your favorite online store in your browser, when you find an item to add to your list, copy the page web link (URL) and while logged into Giftster and adding an item on my lists, paste the URL and Fetch! to auto-fill your item.

For a simple item capture without using copy/paste, try the Add to Giftster Bookmarklet.

Add to Giftster Bookmarklet

Install the Add to Giftster Bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks bar to make adding to your wish list easier while you shop online. 

Be sure you have also tried Fetch too, found on the add item page on the website and app.

To Install

  1. Make sure your favorite bookmarks bar is enabled in your browser (the row on your internet browser where you see your often used favorite links).
  2. Place your mouse over the button above, hold down the left button, drag the button to your favorites bar and release the button.
  3. Accept the security warning dialog, if you get one.
  4. The Add to Giftster button appears, and you are done. If it doesn't appear, repeat the steps. (Curious to try it? Visit then press the Add-to-Giftster button).

Bookmarklet Tips

  • Click the Add to Giftster button installed on your browser while viewing the product detail page for the item you want, usually the page with the "add to cart" button on it for the store you are shopping. This gives Add to Giftster the best chance to grab the correct information.
  • It's compatible with Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, but Internet Explorer is not recommended.
  • It uses the same login as your regular Giftster account, but it is a separate log in. You can be logged into one and not the other, or both, at the same time. (Log in with Facebook Connect? Then you may need to establish a password for your account first. Facebook and Passwords).
  • The item web link and item title is always captured, other fields including the best image may also be automatically captured depending on the website. You can fill in as little or much as you want before you press Add item to Giftster.
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