Rachel Price's list


Sadies 10th bday wishes

Sadie is turning 10! Here are the items she is hoping to get this year. ***Please take into consideration we are moving several weeks after her bday and MUST downsize due to our housing weight allowance. If none of these gifts are jiving with you please consider a monetary gift instead so Sadie can pool the money towards purchasing these top picks listed below OR saving it and putting it towards her bedroom remodel in the new house. Thank you so much for celebrating Sadie by showering her with gifts, PRAYERS and love.

Last update Jan 16, 2023

Here’s a draft for you to edit or send as-is…

Why not take a moment right now and…

  • Update your wish list – add new ideas, remove things you already got
  • Update your gift preference profile – are sizes, color and other preferences current?

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