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Create Events for your Giftster Group

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Want to remind your friends and family about important events?  Create an event so everyone in your group can keep track of how many shopping days they have left to buy a gifts.

I enjoy the events feature of Giftster because it gives me a good reminder of how much time I have until those special family events.  Even if I’m not planning to give a gift, I usually am planning on sending a card (which I have to admit, I’m usually horrible at).

It’s very easy to do.  Log on to your Giftster account and click on MyEvents.

To add an event, just click on add event and you can add that special event.  You can add as many details as you would like: date, time, description, etc.  You can even mark it to recur annually if it’s a birthday or anniversary.

There’s a link for upcoming events which will show you anything occurring in the next 90 days.

The my events link shows all of the events you’ve added to the list.

The group events will show you all the events listed by others in your group.

It’s a very useful tool that I hope helps you stay organized, too.

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